With the ever growing population of Dhaka, there is a rise in need of dwelling spaces to accommodate for this growth. One of the prime spots where a lot of this growth happens is in Bashundhara city, and hence is the location for the Edison Cordella project. To utilize as much space as possible and to give the inhabitants more privacy in their dwellings, four units were placed. This is achieved by making sure there’s no shared walls in between each unit and having them feel as separate as possible.
While making the apartment design, one of the things that was kept in mind was creating the most efficient and simple layout possible, so that the inhabitants could customize to their wishes. While trying to maintain the privacy for all the residents, the roof however was built to be enjoyed by the community within the apartment space. With a semi-open roof, that has both enclosed and open spaces in order to create interactions according to the situation. These spaces are also where the majority of the green is kept too, so it provides a way for the community residing within it to have a pocket haven as well. There are flowing spaces in between the lobby to create a transparent environment.