In the field of Architecture and Urban design, students need to build up their skill for future development. The main tool for developing the skill of the students are, sharing ideas and experiences with the outside practical world. Here this lecture session gave such provision, where Cubeinside Design Limited have shared their inspiration, journey and story behind their successful works. Cubeinside Design Limited has won number of National awards in Bangladesh, from those achievements and experience they shared that, developing a design concept and coordinate it with the three dimensional world is not an easy process, the young architects shared their thought that, how sketch on paper is so important for exploring the conceptual process at the beginning, the sketch will give a clear idea about the space quality and impression of the three dimensional object including its surrounding spaces, after that give it a shape by different computer aided softwares for construction and others. The team also united the images of the built form and the buildings under construction. The students were astonished by experiencing the space quality and scale of the building projects.This event will surely be a milestone for everyone.
At the end of the event, the convener of this seminar M Arefeen Ibrahim, Head, Department of Architecture delivered his appreciative speech. The joyful presence of faculties and students from the Department of Architecture made the event more successful. And the event was only possible because of the spontaneous hard work of student volunteers and respective teachers (Tabassum Zarin Tithi, Assistant Professor, Atika Tasnim Adity, Lecturer, Nushrat E Haque , Lecturer) along with the support provided by AIUB administration.
November 15, 2018