The hospitality management has a vast scope of operation at present time here in Bangladesh and abroad, considering all the sectors of hospitality - hotels, resorts, restaurants, banquets, airlines and so on. Bangladesh has a clear setback in this sector due to insufficiency in formal training and education on hospitality management. Thus the inception of SHINE is a pure visionary in terms of contributing the nation by creating skilled and efficient manpower from our motherland, who will serve and shine globally.
Site A
Oriental Textile Mills Limited
The mill was established in 1962, managed by BTMC under the Ministry of Textile and Jute. The production started in 1963. After operating for 40 years it has been closed from 30 September, 2003. Through this long journey of 40 years the Orient Textile Mills Limited has created long memories with every person and institutions attached to this. Thousands of workers and officers has offered their services for this organization during operations.
This part of the site contains the most of the built form of the mill functions including the entrance, the main factory shade, secondary factory shade, office buildings and storage.
Entry view of the compound
Getting into the site by the main entrance, the main factory shade is visible with the storage facility at the opposite side. A line of full grown trees are there within the pathway.
Aerial view of the current condition of the factory building
The semi pucca factory shade is almost deteriorated over the 17 years’ time period of abandonment. The pucca office buildings and storage facilities are also in the last stage of deterioration.
Alley between the factory shades
Site B
Ancillary facilities of the mill
This part of the site is almost vacant with huge field and hundreds of full grown trees. The only built forms here in this part is the workers colony, mosque, semi pucca school, Ansar camp, pump room etc.
Aerial view of this part with big field
This part of the site is centered with the large field surrounded by beautiful trees. The building footprint here is very small.
Two semi pucca shades of school buildings are in here which is almost out of operation.
Few small factory functions were run in this side.
Site C and E
Illegaly occupied residential area
This part of the site is almost fully occupied in illegal basis. This residential area is accessed by narrow pedestrian road. A graveyard is also there.
Aerial view of the illegally occupied residential area
The area consists of mostly 4/5 storied residential buildings, connected by internal narrow pedestrian roads.
Site D
Orient Textile Mills School and College
This part of the site is basically the compound for Orient Textile Mills School and College which is initially established in 1972. Over the course of time the school compound has been developed with new buildings. It has a pond in front of the main school building. Unfortunately the pond remains dry for most of the time of the year.
Aerial view of the school compound
The compound is developed organically over the years with several buildings and extensions. The center of this part is the pond which remains dry for the most part of the year.