Architecture MasterPrize 2024 for "Southeast University"
Southeast University by Cubeinside has won the Honourable Mention Award in Architecture MasterPrize 2024 in the Educational Architecture category.
The challenge behind designing Southeast University was to accommodate its vast requirements in a tight urban land in Dhaka, within an area recently converted into commercial and institutional use from industrial. The principle adopted was to grow the campus vertically while creating a central nucleus that stimulates the learning environment of the university by engaging the students. The central void creates inspiring spaces through different dimensions like hierarchy of spaces, visual and spatial connectivity, daylights and most importantly, by creating an identity for the campus community.
In a dense megacity like Dhaka, private university campuses lack proper availability of space. It can be overcome through Architecture. It can help a campus to thrive in terms of healthy, balanced and joyful spatial experience which leads to impactful education, which has exactly been the objective of this project. Students need spaces besides the formal educational spaces and they need identity to carry on which boasts the morale of them. Hence the classroom and other formal spaces are arranged around the central void, crafting a space tailored for the heart and soul of the student community.
November 10, 2024